Creating Unforgettable Moments – Extended Family

Boy Reading to Himself

In the tapestry of family life, the threads of connection are spun through love, laughter, and shared stories. But what happens when life’s twists and turns lead to geographical distances between family members? Older siblings off to college, aunts, uncles, and extended family members living in different corners of the world – they all play unique roles in a child’s life. The question is, how do we weave those threads of connection tighter even when miles apart? Enter Read to Me Stickers, the modern magic carpet ride that transcends boundaries and creates unforgettable moments.

Families Across the Map

As life unfolds, families often find themselves dispersed across the map, navigating different time zones and schedules. While this separation is a part of life’s journey, it doesn’t mean we have to let go of the precious connections that make a family whole. Instead, we adapt and find innovative ways to keep those connections alive and thriving.

Girl Opening Package

Read to Me Stickers: A Tale of Connection

Read to Me Stickers are not just stickers; they are the storyteller’s bridge that spans the miles and keeps family ties strong. Here’s how these stickers breathe life into family connections:

  1. Personalized Adventures: Older siblings, aunts, uncles, and extended family members can choose a cherished children’s book and record their own enchanting rendition. It’s like personalizing a storybook adventure just for the young hearts waiting to be transported.
  2. Wrapped in Love: Once the recording is complete, these magical recordings are sealed with a Read to Me Sticker and sent on a heartfelt journey to their recipients. Imagine the joy of opening a book to find a loved one’s voice waiting to tell a story.
  3. A Virtual Hug: Technology transforms these stickers into virtual hugs. Children scan the QR code, and the story unfolds in the comforting voice of a family member, no matter how many miles away they may be.
  4. Bonding Across Time Zones: The power of Read to Me Stickers lies in their ability to foster bonding beyond borders. The shared stories create connections that transcend time zones, making every moment spent together feel like a treasure.
  5. Creating Memories: These recordings are not just stories; they are lasting memories. They become a part of a child’s growth, an archive of shared moments, and a reminder that love knows no bounds.

Read to Me Stickers are versatile connectors. Older siblings can create a collection of recorded stories, each with its unique magic. Aunts and uncles can send surprise storytime sessions, turning ordinary days into extraordinary adventures. Extended family members can play their part in shaping a child’s love for stories and the world.

Crafting Moments, Sharing Love

In a world that often pulls families apart, Read to Me Stickers are the threads that help weave connection and love into the fabric of family life. They create unforgettable moments for children with their older siblings, aunts, uncles, and extended family members, reminding us that love can bridge any gap, no matter the miles that lie between. Through these stickers, we craft moments and share love, making the world feel a little smaller, a little warmer, and a lot more connected.

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The Magic of Repetition – Boost Early Learning

Sight Words

It’s a well-established fact in the world of education that children thrive on repetition, especially during their formative years. The power of repetition lies in its ability to reinforce concepts, establish familiarity, and enhance learning. This principle holds particularly true for early childhood education, where every interaction with a child contributes significantly to their cognitive development.

One of the fundamental building blocks of early learning is reading, and more specifically, learning to read. Sight words, those essential high-frequency words that appear frequently in written text, play a pivotal role in a child’s reading journey. The ability to recognize and instantly recall these words is a crucial step toward becoming a proficient reader.

So, how do we create an environment where children not only learn to read but also grow to love reading? The answer lies in the magic of repetition, and it’s here that Read to Me Stickers enter the scene, becoming a delightful catalyst for educational advancement.

The Repetition Advantage – Children naturally gravitate toward repetition because it’s a proven method of learning. Educational experts have long recognized the value of repetition in strengthening memory and understanding. In fact, repetition is not only a useful tool; it’s a cornerstone of effective learning strategies. Let’s take a closer look at some examples of how repetition is successfully used in learning and education, including children’s television programming:

  • Early ReaderChildren’s Television Shows: Educational children’s programs like Sesame Street, Barney, and Blue’s Clues have harnessed the power of repetition for decades. These shows strategically repeat key concepts, words, and lessons to reinforce learning. Children eagerly anticipate the repetition of their favorite segments, songs, and characters.
  • Music and Rhymes: Nursery rhymes and songs are classic examples of repetition in early childhood education. The repetition of lyrics and melodies helps children grasp language patterns, improve vocabulary, and develop rhythm. Singing familiar songs becomes a cherished bonding activity for parents and children.
  • Flashcards and Interactive Games: Educational tools like flashcards and interactive games often use repetition to reinforce knowledge and skills. Children learn to recognize shapes, colors, numbers, and letters through repeated exposure and engagement.
  • Storytelling: Repetition is a fundamental element in many classic children’s stories. Tales like “The Three Little Pigs” and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” feature recurring themes and events. Children eagerly anticipate these familiar patterns, which aid comprehension and engagement.

Read to Me Stickers: An Educational Marvel

Read to Me Stickers are a powerful tool in this educational journey. These stickers allow adults to record themselves reading a beloved children’s book and create a personalized audio experience for a child. The key to their effectiveness lies in the ability to provide consistent and repetitive exposure to the same story, read by a familiar and beloved voice.

Here’s how Read to Me Stickers benefit a child’s educational advancement:

  1. Reinforces Sight Words: By repeatedly listening to the same book, children become more adept at recognizing sight words. These words become familiar friends, making it easier for children to identify and understand them when they encounter them in other contexts.
  2. Builds Vocabulary: Repetition enhances a child’s vocabulary by exposing them to a wide range of words and phrases in the context of a story. They not only hear these words but also see them in print, reinforcing their understanding of language.
  3. Encourages Active Engagement: When children follow along in the book while listening to an adult read, they actively engage with the text. This interactive experience promotes comprehension and language development.
  4. Boosts Confidence: The predictability of hearing the same story multiple times boosts a child’s confidence in their reading abilities. They start to anticipate the text and may even attempt to read along.
  5. Fosters a Love for Reading: Perhaps most importantly, Read to Me Stickers create a positive association with reading. Children learn that books are a source of comfort, joy, and connection. This early love for reading often translates into a lifelong passion for books and learning.

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Connecting Long-Distance Families

Military Dad

Read to Me Stickers for Parents, Near or Far

Life’s obligations sometimes lead parents to be away from their children, but the power of storytelling knows no boundaries. Whether it’s due to work-related travel, the challenges of co-parenting after a divorce, or the sacrifices made by military families when one or both parents deployed, Read to Me Stickers offer a heartfelt solution for parents who want to stay connected, share stories, and make their love felt, no matter the miles or oceans that separate them.

Staying Connected Across Distances

Dad and Son ReadingLife’s responsibilities can sometimes lead parents to be physically distant from their children, but the emotional connection can remain strong. With Read to Me Stickers, you can nurture your relationship with your children and ensure they feel your presence even when you can’t be there in person.

  1. Record Your Voice: Choose a beloved children’s book and record your voice as you read it aloud. Your warmth, love, and the unique cadence of your voice will be captured in every word.
  2. Attach Your Custom-Coded Sticker: Each set of stickers will link to your own free online audio album of recordings. The child or co-parent simply scans the QR code with a phone or tablet camera to access the album of your recordings.
  3. Share the Recorded Book: Send this special book to your child, no matter where they are.

Stronger Bonds, Regardless of Distance

Your voice will become a cherished presence in your child’s life. They can scan the QR code on their books and listen to you reading to them, no matter where they are. Whether you’re on a business trip, living separately due to a divorce, or serving your country far from home, Read to Me Stickers help you stay engaged in your child’s life.

Children find immense comfort in the voices of their parents, and parents hold a special place in their hearts. With Read to Me Stickers, your voice becomes a constant presence in your child’s daily routine, creating a deeper connection that can withstand the challenges of physical separation.

No matter where life’s journey takes you, be it for work, co-parenting arrangements, or military service, your love as a parent remains unwavering. With Read to Me Stickers, you can ensure that this love is heard loud and clear in the comforting tones of your voice. These stickers create a lasting connection between you and your child, transcending distances and making every storytime a heartfelt moment. Even when you can’t be there in person, your presence and love shine through in every word, leaving an indelible mark on your child’s heart. Cherish the power of storytelling to keep your family bonds strong, no matter the miles that may separate you.

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Connecting Grandparents & Grandchildren

Grandpa reading to grandsonLong-Distance Grandparenting – Creating a Close Connection Across the Miles

Distance may separate you from your beloved grandchildren, but it doesn’t have to keep you apart. Imagine being able to wrap them in your love, even when you can’t be there in person. Read to Me Stickers offer a heartwarming solution for grandparents who yearn to create lasting connections, make their voices familiar, and leave behind a legacy of love for generations to come.

Being a grandparent is about nurturing and cherishing your family’s bonds, no matter the miles that may separate you. With Read to Me Stickers, you can build a strong emotional connection with your grandchildren through the magic of storytelling.

  1. Record Your Voice: Choose a beloved children’s book and record your voice as you read it aloud. Your warmth, love, and the unique cadence of your voice will be captured in every word.
  2. Attach Your Custom-Coded Sticker to the book: Each set of stickers will link to your own free online audio album of recordings.  The child or parent of the child simply scans the QR code with a phone or tablet camera to access the album of your recordings.
  3. Share the Recorded Book: Send this special book to your grandchildren, no matter where they live.  You can even purchase several copies of the same book, each one linked to your audio album so grandchildren in various locations can each enjoy the same experience.
  4. Shared Storytime: Your voice will become a comforting presence in your grandchildren’s lives. They can scan the QR code on their books and listen to you reading to them, no matter where they are.

Familiar Voices, Stronger Bonds – Children find immense comfort in familiar voices, and grandparents hold a special place in their hearts. With Read to Me Stickers, your voice becomes a cherished part of your grandchildren’s daily routines. Even when physical visits are infrequent, your voice will be a constant presence, making them feel closer to you.

Grandma Reading to Grandchildren

Leaving a Lasting Legacy – As grandparents, we often think about the legacy we leave for our grandchildren. Read to Me Stickers allow you to leave something truly priceless – the sound of your voice and the stories you shared. These recordings can be cherished throughout their lives, and even after you’ve passed away, your voice will continue to bring them comfort and love.

Gifts for Generations – Another remarkable aspect of Read to Me Stickers is their versatility. You can record a book once and purchase multiple copies to send to different grandchildren in different locations. This thoughtful gesture allows you to be present in the lives of all your grandchildren, no matter where they live.

Grow with Your Grandkids – As your grandchildren grow, you can choose books that grow with them.  Move from Children’s books to Young Reader books to Chapter books.  You could even structure chapter books as a series, releasing a new chapter every week, and giving your grandchildren something to look forward to each week.

Add to Their Library – Read to Me Stickers can become a gift-giving tradition.  Grandchildren can anticipate receiving a new book and recording each time they have a birthday, each year at Christmas, or at another time of the year that may be special to your family.

Don’t let distance keep you from creating close connections with your grandchildren. With Read to Me Stickers, you can be there for storytime, infuse your love, and leave behind a legacy of cherished stories that will warm their hearts for generations. Every word you read becomes a gift that brings your hearts closer together.

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Baby Shower Ideas – Read to Me Stickers

Once Upon a Time

Are you going to a baby shower or hosting one?  Would you like to give something truly special to the new parents-to-be? Sure, onesies, diapers, and baby gear are great, but what if you could give them a gift of precious memories? Enter “Read to Me Stickers” – an innovative and heartwarming way to celebrate the arrival of a little one. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Read to Me Stickers can make a baby shower unforgettable.

Gift Basket - Baby Shower

The Baby Gift That Keeps on Giving – Several Unique Ideas

A baby shower is all about showering the parents-to-be with love and support, and what better way to do that than with the gift of cherished stories? Read to Me Stickers offer two delightful ways to celebrate the joyous occasion:

  1. Curated Book Collection – Imagine receiving an invitation to a baby shower, and along with it, a carefully chosen children’s book sent to you by the person hosting the event. As a guest, you have the privilege of recording your voice while reading the book in the comfort of your own home. This intimate act allows you to pour your heart and warmth into the story. When the baby shower day arrives, each guest brings their recorded book, with their name carefully inscribed inside. These books, imbued with the voices and love of friends and family, are collected into a single basket or decorative box. This thoughtful and curated collection is then presented to the mom-to-be as one heartwarming gift.
  2. Guests’ Personal Favorites – For a more personalized touch, guests can choose and purchase their favorite children’s book to record. This option allows each guest to share a cherished story that holds a special place in their heart. If some guests are not comfortable with the technology of the recording process, a quiet room can be set up away from the bustling activity of the shower. There, they can receive assistance from someone familiar with the recording technology. These individually selected books, enriched with the voices of loved ones, become a heartfelt bouquet of literary treasures. Each guest can include a personalized note or message inside the book, adding an extra layer of love and sentimentality.
  3. Label Sheet ImageAn Extra Touch of Thoughtfulness: Extra Read to Me Stickers –To make the celebration even more special, consider gifting the mother-to-be an extra set or two of Read to Me Stickers. These stickers can be used to record books for her new child, creating an intimate bond between parent and baby from the very beginning. But that’s not all. These additional stickers can also be shared with friends and family who may wish to record more books or who couldn’t attend the shower in person. Think of dads, grandpas, uncles, or other loved ones who wouldn’t typically be invited to a baby shower but would love to contribute to the child’s early literary journey.

A baby shower is a time of celebration, love, and anticipation. Make it even more special with the gift of Read to Me Stickers, whether through a curated book collection or guests’ personal favorites. This unique and heartwarming gesture will not only touch the hearts of the new parents but also enrich the life of the little one who’s about to join the world. It’s a gift that keeps on giving – a true keepsake of love and connection.

So, when you’re planning your next baby shower, consider adding a touch of magic with Read to Me Stickers. It’s a gift that will be cherished not only by the new parents but also by the generations to come.

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Crafting Artistic Portfolios: How Microsites Elevate Creatives

Influencer - Microsites

Calling all artists, creators, and makers – it’s time to showcase your talent in a way that truly captivates. Enter microsites, the digital canvases that can transform into immersive online art galleries. In today’s blog post, we’re delving into how microsites elevate the way you share and showcase your creative journey.

Your artistic journey is a story worth telling, and a microsite is the platform to share it. Consider your microsite as your virtual art gallery, where each piece of your artwork becomes a masterpiece. From paintings and illustrations to sculptures and digital art, a microsite provides the space for your creativity to shine.

Art ExhibitionArt is all about visual impact, and microsites amplify that impact. With customizable layouts and designs, you can create a portfolio that reflects your artistic style. Incorporate captivating images that showcase your artwork from various angles, allowing viewers to appreciate the details and intricacies of your creations.

Are you participating in an art exhibition or planning to host your own? A microsite can serve as your event’s digital hub, displaying a gallery of your featured pieces, event details, and artist statements. Invite your audience to explore your collection even before they step foot in the physical gallery, building anticipation and engagement.

For artists exploring different mediums and styles, microsites provide a flexible canvas to organize your work. Group your artwork into categories or collections, making it easy for visitors to navigate and discover pieces that resonate with them. The ability to curate your portfolio enhances the viewer’s experience and allows you to tell a visual story.

Microsites also facilitate direct engagement with your audience. Incorporate a contact form that enables art enthusiasts to inquire about purchasing your work or commissioning custom pieces. By providing a seamless way for viewers to connect with you, you’re opening doors for potential collaborations and art sales.

Visual storytelling extends beyond the artwork itself. Share insights into your creative process, inspiration, and the stories behind each piece. Use your microsite as a medium to bridge the gap between you and your audience, inviting them into your world as an artist.

Incorporating microsites into your creative journey is about sharing your passion in an impactful way. Whether you’re an established artist or just starting, microsites can serve as your digital showcase, leaving an indelible mark on art enthusiasts.

Are you ready to turn your artistic portfolio into an immersive experience? Microsites offer the versatility and visual appeal you need to captivate your audience and elevate your creative brand. Reach out to us today to explore how microsites can become the ultimate platform for showcasing your artistic journey.

Remember, art is an expression and microsites are the gallery walls that bring your expression to the world. Let’s make your creative journey an online masterpiece that resonates with art enthusiasts far and wide!

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Sealing the Deal: How Microsites Drive Successful Lead Generation

Picture this: Your website is a bustling marketplace and your microsite is the dedicated booth where potential customers can’t resist stopping by. Welcome to the world of microsites for lead generation! Today, we’re unraveling the power of microsites in capturing and nurturing leads.

Lead Generation with MicrositesEffective lead generation is about crafting an enticing journey for your visitors. A microsite can serve as a tailor-made landing page that guides visitors towards taking a desired action. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, downloading an ebook, or requesting a consultation, a microsite’s focused layout removes distractions and encourages conversions.

When you’re launching a new product or service, a microsite can be the digital launchpad that sparks curiosity and generates excitement. You can showcase the features, benefits, and value of your offering in a concise and visually appealing manner. The microsite becomes a one-stop destination for visitors eager to learn more and take action.

But it’s not just about the aesthetics; it’s about delivering value. Microsites can house valuable content that resonates with your audience’s pain points and aspirations. By offering solutions to their challenges, you position your brand as a trusted resource and increase the likelihood of potential customers engaging with your call-to-action.

Nurturing leads is as important as capturing them. Microsites can continue to play a role in this phase by providing valuable resources, updates, and engaging content. By directing leads back to the microsite, you keep them engaged and connected, gradually building trust and rapport.

Visual elements are essential in guiding your visitors’ journey. Incorporate visually appealing images, infographics, and videos that complement the content and reinforce your message. Compelling visuals not only enhance the user experience but also convey information effectively.

Are you ready to seal the deal and convert curious visitors into loyal customers? Microsites provide the tools you need to create effective lead pages that capture attention, encourage engagement, and drive conversions. Reach out to us today to explore how microsites can become your ultimate lead-generation ally.

Remember, leads are the lifeline of your business, and microsites are the bridge that connects potential customers to your offerings. Let’s make lead generation an artful and successful process together!

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Standing Out in Social Media: Microsites’ Bio-Link Brilliance

Social Media - MicrositesIn the dynamic realm of social media, standing out is not just an option – it’s a necessity. Enter microsites, the game-changers that can elevate your online presence and captivate your audience. Let’s look at how microsites can unlock a new dimension of creativity in your social media strategy.

Have you ever wished you could share more in your social media bio? With microsites, you can. Think of your microsite as an extended bio that showcases your multifaceted identity. Whether you’re a content creator, entrepreneur, artist, or influencer, a microsite’s bio-link page becomes your canvas to express yourself fully.

You have various social media profiles, online portfolios, and content platforms. Instead of juggling multiple links in your bio, a single microsite can house all of them in one place. This consolidation streamlines navigation for your followers and allows them to explore your different facets seamlessly.

Your microsite’s bio-link page isn’t just functional; it’s a creative expression of your personal brand. Tailor the content to reflect your unique style, voice, and values. Use engaging visuals, witty copy, and interactive elements that entice visitors to dive deeper into your online world.

One of the benefits of microsites is their flexibility. As you evolve and introduce new projects, products, or collaborations, your microsite can evolve with you. Update the links, visuals, and content to ensure that your bio-link page always reflects your latest endeavors. This adaptability keeps your audience informed and engaged.

Microsites also offer a bridge between different social media platforms. By linking your microsite in your Instagram bio or X (formerly Twitter) profile, you create a central hub that directs your followers to your various online destinations. Whether it’s your YouTube channel, podcast series, or online store, a microsite ensures that your audience can easily access what matters most to you.

Visual storytelling is at the core of social media success. Utilize your microsite to share behind-the-scenes glimpses, showcase your best work, and narrate your journey. Infuse your microsite with vibrant images, videos, and interactive elements that capture attention and encourage exploration.

Are you ready to transform your social media presence from ordinary to extraordinary? Microsites offer the creative freedom and versatility you need to showcase your passions, projects, and personality. Get in touch with us today to explore how microsites can become your social media secret weapon.

Remember, social media is your digital playground, and microsites are the swings that elevate your influence. Let’s make your social media profiles stand out in a crowd and leave a lasting impression together!

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Unleash Your Sales Potential: Microsites for Successful Promotions

Are you ready to elevate your sales game and captivate your audience like never before? Microsites are the secret sauce that can supercharge your promotion campaigns, from captivating sales to exciting giveaways. In today’s blog post, we’re diving into the world of microsites and exploring how they can drive successful sales and promotions.

Microsite - GiveawayWhen it comes to promotions, timing is everything. With a dedicated microsite, you can create a sense of urgency that encourages visitors to take immediate action. Imagine launching a limited-time offer or an exclusive sale and having a microsite that visually communicates the value of the promotion. The strategic design and compelling content can entice visitors to make a purchase before the clock runs out.

Hosting an online contest or giveaway? Microsites offer the perfect platform to showcase the details, rules, and prizes of the contest. By centralizing all the information on a microsite, you create a streamlined experience for participants. The microsite becomes a hub for engagement, allowing visitors to learn about the contest, submit their entries, and stay updated on the results.

Microsites also excel at storytelling, making them an ideal tool for sharing the story behind your promotion. Whether it’s a new product launch, a seasonal sale, or a charity initiative, a microsite enables you to communicate the narrative that resonates with your audience. Engaging visuals, customer testimonials, and impactful copy can all be integrated to craft a compelling promotion story.

But what about the aftermath of a successful promotion? Microsites are not just short-term solutions; they can leave a lasting impact. After the promotion ends, you can repurpose the microsite for other campaigns or repurpose it as a hub for ongoing announcements and updates. This flexibility ensures that your microsite continues to drive results long after the promotion is over.

Are you ready to unleash your sales potential and create promotions that truly resonate? Microsites provide the tools and versatility you need to capture your audience’s attention and drive tangible results. Get in touch with us today to explore how microsites can become your ultimate promotion powerhouse.

Remember, promotions aren’t just about discounts; they’re about creating a buzz, fostering engagement, and building lasting connections with your customers. Let’s make your next promotion unforgettable together!

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Elevate Your Brand: The Magic of Microsites for Business Identity


Do you want to stand out in the digital landscape and make your brand shine? Look no further than microsites. In today’s blog post, we’re diving deep into the realm of microsites and exploring how they can transform your business identity and online presence.

When it comes to branding, consistency is key. A microsite acts as a dedicated platform to showcase your brand’s essence. You can feature your logo prominently, ensuring it’s the first thing visitors see when they land on your microsite. Think of it as a digital business card that leaves a lasting impression. The visual appeal of a well-designed microsite can establish trust and recognition, setting the stage for a memorable brand experience.

Creating engaging content is at the heart of effective branding. With a microsite, you have the freedom to craft compelling narratives, share your company’s story, and communicate your values. A carefully curated “About Us” section can provide insights into your mission, vision, and the people behind the brand. Engaging content keeps visitors interested and invested in what your brand represents.

Don’t forget about your online visibility. A microsite offers an additional touchpoint for potential customers to find you. When users search for your brand, the microsite can rank higher in search engine results, providing them with accurate and up-to-date information. This enhanced online presence helps you capture leads and build a loyal customer base.

Consider incorporating vibrant images and engaging videos that resonate with your brand’s personality. Showcase your products or services in action, allowing visitors to visualize how they can benefit from what you offer. The combination of visuals and content creates a rich and immersive experience that leaves a lasting impact.

Incorporating microsites into your branding strategy is about creating a cohesive digital ecosystem. By linking your microsite to your social media profiles, you bridge the gap between different online touchpoints. The seamless integration ensures that visitors can navigate from your microsite to your social media platforms with ease, enhancing their overall engagement and experience.

Microsites aren’t just about sharing information; they’re about forging connections. Invite visitors to join your mailing list, enabling you to nurture leads and stay in touch with your audience. Whether it’s through newsletters, promotions, or exclusive content, a well-integrated microsite can serve as a hub for customer engagement.

Ready to take your branding to the next level? Embrace the power of microsites and create an impactful online presence that resonates with your target audience. Connect with us today to explore how microsites can elevate your brand’s identity and boost your online visibility.

Remember, your brand is your story, and microsites are the canvas that brings that story to life in the digital realm. Let’s make your brand unforgettable together!

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